The best foods for diabetes

Top 10 miracle foods for controlling your diabetes

Food for diabetics


If you're one of the millions of people in the world with diabetes, this article is for you. We reveal the ten best foods to help you better manage this disease. Ready to give your diet a boost?

1. Broccoli, a medicinal vegetable

Broccoli is a food of choice for diabetics. Rich in fibre to improve digestion, it also contains chromium, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

2. Oat flakes, an exceptional source of fibre

Incorporating oatmeal into your breakfast is an excellent idea. Not only do they slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood, they also taste delicious.

3. Blueberries, an antioxidant bomb

These berries are as beneficial for visual health as they are for blood sugar levels. A handful a day provides a significant dose of vitamins.

4. Oily fish: a beneficial source of Omega 3

Eat salmon, tuna or mackerel twice a week. The fatty acids in these fish improve insulin sensitivity.

5. Nuts, a satiating snack

Walnuts and almonds are packed with good fats and soluble fibre. Feel free to add them to your snacks between meals or to your salads.

6. Quinoa, the anti-diabetes cereal

Rich in fibre and protein, quinoa is an ideal alternative for diabetics.

7. Pulses, a constant source of energy

Lentils, beans, chickpeas... These pulses are an ideal source of protein and fibre for people with diabetes.

8. Tofu, a source of vegetable protein

Tofu can help replace meat rich in saturated fats, which is beneficial for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

9. Green tea, a little-known ally

Drinking green tea can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes thanks to its antioxidant properties.

10. Apples, a natural blood sugar regulator

Rich in fibre and antioxidants, apples are an excellent snack for regulating blood sugar levels throughout the day.


In short, there are a multitude of foods that are beneficial for diabetics. Eating a healthy, high-fibre diet can go a long way to controlling diabetes.

The key words in this article are

foods for diabetics, broccoli, oatmeal, blueberries, oily fish, nuts, quinoa, legumes, tofu, green tea, apples.