The best foods for diabetes

Diabetes: top 10 foods for better health

healthy food

We've all heard of diabetes. But when we're concerned about each one, it can change our whole perspective. If you're facing this life challenge, then this article is for you. You'll learn about foods that can help manage your blood sugar levels. Enough chit-chat, here we go.

1. Non-starchy green vegetables

One of your new best friends is a spinach salad. These vegetables are rich in fibre. They also help maintain normal blood sugar levels. Add kale, broccoli or courgettes to your shopping list.

2. Fish rich in omega-3

Salmon, sardines, tuna and trout are excellent sources of omega-3. These fish will help you control your blood sugar levels. They are also good for your heart.

3. Wholegrain cereals

Worried about your blood sugar levels? Add wholemeal bread, brown rice and quinoa to your diet. These wholegrain cereals help control blood sugar levels.

4. Beans

Full of fibre and protein, beans can help control blood sugar levels. Cook them without adding sugar or saturated fat.

5. Plain yoghurt

Choose plain yoghurt over flavoured yoghurt. It contains little added sugar and is rich in protein.

6. Almonds

A handful of almonds can make all the difference. They stabilise sugar levels. They are also good for the heart.

7. Citrus fruit

Oranges and lemons are your allies. They help to lower blood sugar levels. So don't hesitate to give yourself a zest.

8. Tomatoes

An excellent source of vitamin C and lycopene, tomatoes are more than just a nice garnish on a salad. Try them in purée or soup.

9. Berries

Bilberries, raspberries and blackberries are rich in vitamins and fibre. They can help control diabetes.

10. Water, tea and coffee

Sugar-free drinks are ideal for those looking to lower their blood sugar levels. They keep you hydrated without adding unnecessary sugar.

In short, fighting diabetes doesn't have to be a headache. With a balanced diet, anything is possible. Yummy, isn't it?