Author Archives: A. Nelia

Easy low-carb chicken lettuce wraps

Chicken lettuce wraps: The quick, low-carb recipe!

Chicken lettuce wraps

Looking for a delicious and healthy idea for dinner? Look no further than our chicken lettuce wraps. A recipe that's easy to prepare, yet tasty and low in carbohydrates. A perfect combination that will enhance the taste of your table while keeping your figure in check. Let's go for it!

The ingredients for your easy and delicious wraps

To get started, you'll need some simple but essential ingredients. For this recipe, we'll need :

  • Chicken
  • Lettuce
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Olive oil
  • Spices of your choice

Preparation: child's play

You'll be amazed at how simple this recipe is, and it doesn't require any special culinary skills. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by cooking the chicken with the olive oil and spices in a frying pan.
  2. Once the chicken is cooked through, add the finely chopped vegetables and simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Take a lettuce leaf and place the chicken filling on top.
  4. Roll up the lettuce leaf to create a delicious and healthy wrap.

A Low-Carb Recipe for Sportsmen and Women

Not only are these chicken lettuce wraps delicious, but they're also very low in carbs. This makes them an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their carbohydrate intake or following a keto diet. What's more, they're an excellent source of protein, making them ideal for athletes or those looking to build muscle mass.

Want to take it a step further? Get creative and add other ingredients to your wraps to give them even more flavour. Condiments, different meats or a variety of vegetables - the options are endless.

In brief

Now you have a recipe for easy, low-carb chicken lettuce wraps. A recipe that's as delicious as it is healthy, and sure to please all those who love balanced cooking. So don't wait any longer, treat yourself to this guilt-free taste treat and tell us what you think!

These easy-to-make wraps are a must-try. Not only are they delicious, they also offer a high-protein, low-carb meal solution. Ideal for those looking for a healthy and satisfying meal.

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Will a low-carb diet shorten your lifespan?

The low-carb diet: key to longevity or deadly myth?

Low-carb foods

The low-carb diet is an eternal topic of debate, generating controversy and diverse opinions among health professionals. Is it really the panacea for a longer, healthier life? Or could it actually reduce your life expectancy? Let's take a look at the controversy.

The low-carb diet: what is it?

Also known as the low-carb diet, it is characterised by a reduced intake of carbohydrates, in favour of proteins and fats. It is generally prescribed for people with diabetes or those looking to lose weight. But is it really good for our health?

The clear benefits of the low-carb diet

Some specialists extol the virtues of the low-carb diet. They argue that by limiting carbohydrate consumption, the human body is forced to use stored fat as a source of energy. This leads to significant weight loss. In addition, studies have shown that this diet reduces blood sugar levels and improves blood pressure, factors that are essential for cardiovascular health.

The risks of a low-carb diet

However, other research suggests that prolonged low-carb diets can lead to major health problems. A diet too rich in proteins and saturated fats is associated with heart disease. In addition, low consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, which are rich in fibre and vitamins, may increase the risk of chronic diseases and cancers.

The low-carb diet: a question of moderation and balance

The main issue in any diet is moderation. A low-carb diet can be beneficial in the short term, especially for weight loss and blood sugar control. However, in the long term, you need to make sure you eat enough vegetables, fruit and wholegrain cereals to ensure a balanced nutritional intake. Consultation with a health professional is always recommended before making any radical changes to your diet.


The low-carb diet can have beneficial effects, but its possible harmful consequences require particular attention. Balance and moderation remain the watchwords for a healthy diet.

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5 healthy ways to overcome anxiety without resorting to medication

The ultimate guide: 5 natural methods to beat anxiety without drugs

A person meditating in nature


Do you sometimes feel a wave of anxiety wash over you for no apparent reason? Does your heart begin to race as you sit quietly on the sofa? Look no further, you may be suffering from anxiety. Instead of immediately turning to medication, discover with us five natural methods for calming your mind and regaining control.

1. Regular physical exercise

Far from just being good for the body, sport is also excellent therapy for the mind. Why? Physical activity is known to stimulate the production of certain hormones, such as endorphins, which help to create a feeling of well-being and happiness.

2. A healthy, balanced diet

It's a well-known fact that "you are what you eat". A balanced diet, rich in fruit, vegetables and unprocessed foods, has a positive impact on our mental state. It's all the more important to eat properly when anxiety is part of our daily lives.

3. Yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation are excellent tools for calming the mind and body. They help you to focus on the present moment, putting aside everyday concerns, and to reconnect with yourself.

4. Practising deep breathing

Practising deep breathing exercises is a simple but highly effective way of reducing anxiety. This technique slows down the heart rate and calms the mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Restorative sleep

Finally, it's important not to overlook the impact of sleep on our mental health. Quality sleep allows us to regenerate, recharge our batteries and effectively combat anxiety.


In short, anxiety can be countered using natural, healthy methods. Sport, diet, yoga, breathing and sleep are all techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine to overcome anxiety without medication.

(P.S: This article is designed to provide general wellness advice. Please, if you suffer from severe anxiety, seek the help of a mental health professional).

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6 ways to stay young at any age

Secrets of longevity: 6 keys to staying young despite the years

Young woman in good health

Is being young at any age an impossible dream? Not at all! There are many ways to maintain your youth, both physically and mentally. That's what we're going to find out in this article, so take note.

A balanced diet to stay in shape

The credo is to eat healthily. This can involve choosing foods rich in antioxidants, a key substance in the fight against ageing. These foods include berries, spinach and green tea. And let's not forget the omega-3s found in fish, which are excellent for the brain. Another plus for staying young!

Time for physical activity

Staying active is an invaluable part of staying young. Regular exercise not only helps keep your body healthy, it also keeps your mind sharp. Find an activity you enjoy: dance, yoga, swimming... the most important thing is to get moving!

Sleep, your ally

Sleep is essential for our bodies. Quality sleep has a regenerative effect on our bodies and our brains. So getting enough sleep can help you stay young at any age.

Cultivate your passion and curiosity

More than ever, it's important to remain curious about the world around us. This can involve taking up new activities, learning new skills... By being active and stimulated, the brain will stay sharp and alert.

Laughter: an anti-ageing therapy

Happiness and laughter are powerful anti-ageing agents! They encourage the release of endorphins, reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. So laugh as much as you can, for a natural and effective anti-ageing boost.

Meditation for new-found serenity

Finally, the practice of meditation has positive effects on ageing. It is a beneficial activity for reducing stress, improving sleep and boosting immunity.

In conclusion, staying young at any age is the result of a set of positive habits and attitudes. Cultivating a zest for life, being active, eating a healthy diet and cherishing your sleep are all keys to eternal youth. So, are you ready to stay young at any age?

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Trend 2024: The colours that will brighten up your wardrobe

Colorama 2024: Discover the shades that will enhance your wardrobe!

Colorful clothes


The year 2024 is on the horizon, bringing with it a rainbow of new fashion trends. In a burst of positive, flamboyant colourimetry, we'll be talking about the colours that will dazzle your wardrobe! Just before you plunge into the heart of this chromatic ocean, grab your sunglasses, because the glow of 2024 promises to be radiant.

A wave of green

Nature is inviting itself into our wardrobes in 2024! Green, the symbol of renewal, is sure to be the dominant tone of the year. From subtle shades of sage green to a bold emerald green, this hopeful colour will enchant your style.

Trend tip :

Pair olive green trousers with a raw cotton top for a chic yet casual look.

Explosion of Yellow

Get ready to welcome yellow in all its shades! It's a colour that exudes joy and optimism. Mustard yellow, golden yellow or lemon yellow, choose your favourite!

Trendy advice:

Mix yellow with neutral tones such as grey or white for a fresh, sparkling look.

Coral Radiance

Coral is back in force in 2024. Associated with energy and vitality, it will brighten up your outfit, making your days sunnier.

Trend tip :

Try a coral dress with gold accessories to brighten up your evening look.

Blue Dust

Finally, blue is making its grand entrance. Powder blue or sky blue will be your allies for a soothing, elegant look.

Trend tip :

Pair a sky-blue blazer with raw denim jeans to play up the contrasts.


Be at the cutting edge of fashion with our 2024 colour guide. From bright green to serene blue, brighten up your wardrobe with these vibrant trends. So, are you ready to embrace the colour waltz?

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The ultimate guide for women on how to gain muscle and burn fat

The ultimate guide for women: Transforming fat into muscle made easy

woman doing sport

Ladies, if you're dreaming of a toned, sculpted body, but the task seems complicated, then this guide is for you! We'll show you the golden rules for turning fat into muscle, while preserving your femininity. Follow our advice to awaken your inner warrior!

1. The importance of a balanced diet

To begin with, there's no secret: a good diet is the basis of everything. Forget the draconian diets that promise so much. Adopt a balanced diet, rich in proteins and low in saturated fats.

  1. Proteins: essential for building muscle, they are found in meat, fish, eggs and certain vegetables such as lentils.
  2. Carbohydrates: essential for energy, they are found in wholemeal cereals, vegetables and fruit.

2. Muscular training

Let's move on to the second stage, strength training. It's not just about lifting weights, you also need to work on your endurance. Mix strength and cardio exercises for a complete routine.

3. Hydration

Never forget the importance of hydration! Water is your best ally, helping to eliminate toxins, aid digestion and promote muscle recovery. Remember to drink regularly throughout the day.

4. Sleep

Finally, don't forget the importance of sleep. A good night's sleep is essential for recovering after your sports sessions and allowing your muscles to develop.

There you have it ladies, you now have all the keys you need to gain muscle mass and burn fat efficiently and kindly towards your body. Bear in mind that every woman is unique and that results vary from one person to another. The important thing is not how quickly you achieve your goal, but the path you take to get there.

In conclusion...

Turning fat into muscle is not a difficult process, given the right tips. Thanks to a healthy diet, appropriate exercise, good hydration and a good night's sleep, you can achieve your goals calmly and effectively. So, are you ready to take up the challenge?

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Easy low-carb chicken lettuce wraps

Discover the recipe for Low-Carb Lettuce Chicken Wraps: Healthy and Simple Creation for Your Body

Chicken Wraps with Lettuce


Are you looking for a healthy meal that's easy to prepare and delicious? Something that's both tasty and good for your waistline? Then you've come to the right place! Read on to discover our simple recipe for low-carb chicken lettuce wraps.

Step-by-step recipe

First, choose a nice crisp lettuce. Then get some quality chicken. In just a few simple steps, you'll have created a healthy and appetising dish.

Prepare the chicken

  1. First, cook the chicken breasts over a medium heat for about 4 to 5 minutes on each side.
  2. Once the chicken is cooked through and golden brown, leave it to cool a little before cutting into thin slices.

Prepare the filling

  1. While the chicken is cooking, take the opportunity to prepare the garnishes. This could be sliced avocado, halved cherry tomatoes, sliced red onions, or anything else you prefer.

Assembling the lettuce wraps

Take a nice leaf of lettuce, place a few slices of chicken on top, add your favourite toppings and then roll up the lettuce. That's it! Your low-carb lettuce chicken wrap is ready!

Additional advice

Remember to season your dish with fresh herbs and spices for even more flavour. Herbs such as mint, coriander or basil add a unique touch to this healthy dish.


Your low-carb chicken lettuce wrap is a healthy dish that's quick and easy to make. Try the recipe today.

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Low-carb almond bread

Discover the secret of delicious and healthy Low Carb Almond Bread

Almond bread

Why deprive yourself of a delicacy like almond bread on the grounds that it might be too sweet for a balanced diet? You're not dreaming: low-carb almond bread is possible!

Almond bread: a healthy, low-sugar pleasure

Trust me, with this recipe you can enjoy the pleasure of almond bread every day without a hint of guilt. Just imagine for a moment savouring soft, richly flavoured almond bread, and what's more, it's excellent for your health.

Find out now how easy it is to prepare this low-carbohydrate almond bread while maintaining its exquisite flavour.

Recipe for low-carb almond bread

Before you get started, make a note of the ingredients you'll need. Don't worry, this recipe only requires simple ingredients from your local grocery shop.

  • 2 cups almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Apple vinegar

Making delicious low-carb almond bread

Once you've got the ingredients. Follow these steps to make a tasty low-carb almond bread you'll never want to do without.

  1. Mix the almond flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt.
  2. Beat the eggs in another bowl, then add the vinegar.
  3. Mix the two preparations until you have a smooth paste.
  4. Pour the batter into a greased loaf tin.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes in an oven at 180°C. Check with a toothpick.

Why opt for low-carb almond bread?

This low-carbohydrate almond bread is not only delicious but also very beneficial for your health. It fits perfectly into a low-carb, gluten-free or ketogenic diet. What's more, almonds are rich in protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.


In the end, you'll realise that even with low carbohydrate, you can still enjoy a healthy treat. So get ready to enjoy your delicious low-carb almond bread. Bon appétit!

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Why could a low-carb diet be...?

The low-carb diet: the secret to a longer life?

Low-carb diet

You've probably heard of the low-carb diet. But what you don't often hear about is its effect on the length of your life. Could it shorten it or, on the contrary, could it lengthen it? We'll tell you all about it in this article.

What exactly is the low-carb diet?

Before we can answer the question posed in the title, we think it's essential to understand what a low-carb diet is. A low-carb diet is a way of eating that focuses above all on a significant reduction in carbohydrate consumption.

Deciphering the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on lifespan

Recent studies have looked into the subject to shed some light on the mystery. Let's get down to the facts and look at their findings.

Study 1: A low-carbohydrate diet has the potential to prolong life

Research conducted at Harvard University has concluded that calorie restriction, of which the low-carb diet is one, could extend lifespan.

Study 2: The absence of carbohydrates and the risk of disease

Another study also reveals that a low-carb diet could help prevent certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Two factors that are known to reduce life expectancy. Are you still following?

Study 3: Beware of nutritional deficiencies

However, some experts warn that a drastic carbohydrate diet could lead to dietary deficiencies. Deficiencies that could, in turn, have a detrimental impact on your health and longevity.

When balanced diet advice makes sense

Finally, all these studies remind us that a balanced diet is still the best way to live a long and healthy life.

Conclusion and practical advice

So the key to a long and healthy life seems to lie in a balance between all the food categories.

How about summing up all this valuable advice in a few practical points?

  • Eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables
  • Maintain a moderate intake of carbohydrates
  • Focus on quality carbohydrates (wholegrain cereals, pulses)
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour)
  • Adequate intake of high-quality proteins and fats

By applying these tips, you'll have everything you need to maximise your chances of living a long and healthy life.

In conclusion...

So should we be afraid of a low-carb diet? It all depends on the balance of your diet. As so often, moderation is the key.

Top 10 tips: How to lose belly fat

"10 unbeatable tips for a dream body".

body workout

Who hasn't dreamt of having a flat stomach, with no fat bulges? We've all asked ourselves this question, and more often than not, in this frantic struggle, we don't know where to turn. How-to, diet, early morning gym session... the solutions are endless. But where to start? Here, at last, are our top 10 simple and effective tips for overcoming this notorious problem. On your marks, get set... Lose!

1. Adopt Abundant & Regular Hydration

Water, water and more water! Hydration plays a crucial role in eliminating belly fat. Sufficient hydration facilitates cell renewal and the elimination of waste products. Don't hesitate to include purifying drinks such as green tea in your diet, as it is known to encourage fat burning.

2. Eat more fat-burning foods

There are many natural foods with fat-burning properties. These include lemons, grapefruit, peppers and pineapple, as well as proteins such as white fish and eggs, and green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli...

3. Control Your Meal Portion

Reducing your meal portions may seem complicated at first. However, this strategy can be effective in the long term. The trick is to replace traditional plates with smaller ones to reduce portion sizes. You'll see the positive effects before you know it!

4. Practise regular physical activity

You don't need to go to the gym every day to burn calories. Cycling, swimming or even brisk walking all help to burn fat. Find an activity you enjoy and give it at least 30 minutes a day. Your tummy will thank you.

5. Eat a high-fibre diet

A high-fibre diet helps you to feel full, so you don't snack too much, which is often a source of weight gain. Fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals and pulses are a valuable source of dietary fibre.

6. Avoid processed foods

If you want to lose weight, it's best to avoid eating too many processed foods, which are often rich in added sugars and fats that do little for your figure.

7. Reducing alcohol consumption

Alcohol is notorious for being high in calories and lacking in nutritional value. It is also responsible for the appearance of fatty bulges around the waist, commonly known as "love handles".

8. Perseverance and patience

Perseverance and patience are key to achieving your goal. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. So stay focused and don't give up!

9. Doing specific exercises for the abdominal area

Targeted exercises for the abdominal area such as crunches, planks or obliques can help you slim your waistline and lose belly fat.

10. Learn how to manage your stress

Stress can encourage the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. So take the time to relax. Yoga, meditation or simply a good night's sleep can work wonders.

In short, losing belly fat requires a balanced diet, regular exercise and a calm mind. But above all, remember: the most important thing is to feel good about your body!

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